April 1, 2011: Message from Jesus to Anne a lay apostle
April 1, 2011
Jesus: Dearest apostles, you are serving Me despite trials and
temptations. That is why you are called apostles, because you follow Me and serve
Me. No life is easy or without strife, and I know, dear apostles, that you
experience your share of difficulty. These difficulties are important for you
because through the suffering of them you gain mastery over yourself. When you
conquer a difficulty, using the holiness you have received from Me, you become
stronger spiritually and then when the next difficulty comes, you both view it
differently and treat it differently. You view it as expected, because your
experience tells you that life in general, and service to Me specifically, will
include these difficulties. You treat it differently because you know that I am
with you today as I have been with you in the past. Additionally, you understand
that all difficulty passes. What is it that remains, dear apostles, when the
difficulty passes? Your commitment to Me remains and the work I will for you
remains. You are not overcome and I need your help. And so we go on, Jesus and His
apostles. The work continues and comfort and salvation are brought to God's
children. Be at peace, dear friends. I am with you and I am factoring in
your presence as I plan for the advancement of the