July 9, 2012 Monday: 14th Week in Ordinary Time
"Your faith has
saved you"
Faith is that which makes us believe from the depths of our
souls... all
the truths that our religion teaches us, all that the Gospel
holds and all
that the Church sets before us. The just man lives truly by
this faith (Rom
1,17), for it replaces for him the greater part of his
natural senses. It
so transforms all things that the senses are of little use
to the soul,
which through them is only deceived whilst faith shews it
realities. Where
the eye sees but a poor man, faith sees Jesus (Mt 25,40).
Where the ear
hears curses and persecution, faith sings: “Rejoice and be
glad” (cf Mt
5,12). The touch feels only blows and stonings, but faith
says: “Be glad
you are deemed worthy to suffer for the name of Christ” (cf.
Acts 5,41)...
The smell perceives only incense; faith tells us that the
true incense is
“the prayers of the saints” (Rv 8,4).The senses lead us
astray to created
beauty; faith thinks of the eternal beauty and despises all
created things,
for they are as nothing and as dust beside that beauty. The
senses hold
pain in horror; faith blesses it as a marriage crown that
unites it to its
Beloved, like a walk with her Bridegroom hand in divine
hand. The senses
rebel against injuries, but faith blesses them: “Bless those
that curse
you” (Lk 6,28)...; she finds them sweet, for in them she
shares the lot of
Jesus. The senses are full of curiosity; faith is content to
know nothing:
she thirsts to bury herself, and longs to pass her life
motionless before
the Tabernacle.
By Blessed Charles de Foucauld (1858-1916), hermit and
missionary in the Sahara
Retreat at Nazareth 1897 (trans. Charlotte Balfour, 1930
From www.dailygospel.org