Dec. 9, 2012: 2nd Sunday of Advent C

Advent is a season in which we come to terms with the deepest yearning of our soul--a yearning fulfilled in Jesus Christ. We heard John the Baptist inspiring us to change. He said, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” How do we prepare the way of the Lord, to straighten the crooked and smooth the rough roads? John stirs in us to transform our attitudes. We may have tendency to put “Me, My Self, and I” at the center. When we look at the billboards, TV and magazine ads, they say, “You should look better, smell better, attract better, and feel better.” These are messages that urge us to spend time preoccupying ourselves with what are external and visible. The truth is that what is invisible is greater and much more valuable than anything visible. God seeks persons who desire to change their hearts so they can become pure and humble vessels to make room inside big enough for His Son to dwell.

We wait in longing for the coming of the Christ child at Christmas, not alone, but  in the company Blessed Mother. From her we learn how to be pure and humble of heart. If we have the ears to hear, this is what Blessed Mother asks us to do during this Advent: 

“Dear children,
Keep your eyes pure - so that Jesus may look through them.
Keep your tongue pure - so that Jesus may speak with your tongue.
Keep your hands pure so that Jesus may work with your hands.
Keep your mind pure so that Jesus may think His thoughts in your mind.
Keep your heart pure so that He may love with your heart.
Ask Jesus to live His own life in you.”

Let us prepare our hearts with greater love, for His coming through humility and meekness.

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