Oct. 14, 2014 Tuesday: St. Callistus I

"as to what is within, give alms, and behold, everything will be clean for you.” (Luke 11:41)

One of the great early companions of St. Ignatius was Jerome Nadal. His responsibility was that of promulgating the Ignatian charisma to other Jesuits. Nadal, suggested that the true prayer of a Jesuit includes the other. Nadal stressed, again and again, in his talks to Jesuit communities all around Europe in the 1550´s that Ignatius even wanted our prayer to be about others.

This is good news! This is what Jesus is suggesting to the Pharisee with whom he is dining. Jesus bluntly suggests that he go outside of himself and be helpful. Rather than worry about whether we are exteriorly good or interiorly pure, Jesus proposes a way forward: be helpful and give of yourself to another.

Let us then in this moment of prayer ask for the grace that Ignatius received from the Lord: the grace to pray with reverence and love for the persons in our life who most need our help.

—Christopher Staab, S.J.

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