Jan. 13, 2015 Tuesday: 1st Week in Ordinary Time

He taught them as one having authority. (Mark 1:22)

We tend to think of authority as the right and ability to enforce rules. What is remarkable is that the things Jesus speaks with authority about are things he wants to create and build up in us. Not mere lofty goals we reach for endlessly but qualities, characteristics, and desires that he himself will help us adopt.

Consider, Jesus says you are …

… Safe—“I give you eternal life, and no one can take you out of my hand.” (John 10:28)

… Known intimately—“Before you were born, my eyes gazed on your unformed substance. I know you inside and out, exactly how you are made.” (Psalm 139:12-16)

… Chosen—“I chose you before the foundation of the world to be with me forever.” (Ephesians 1:4)

… Treasured—“Even if a mother should forget her child, I will never forget you.” (Isaiah 49:15)

… Empowered —“You can do all things, for I will strengthen you and give you the wisdom and power you need to do what I call you to do” (Philippians 4:13)

All these statements are true about you. Let Jesus speak these words, in all his authority, to your heart today. Let these words shape the way you relate to the people around you, too. For the more you know how important you are to the Father, the more you’ll see how important everyone else is—and the more you’ll begin to treasure them.

“Jesus, open my ears to hear you, and my heart to be amazed and astonished as you teach me of the life you have for me.”

Word Among Us Daily Meditation

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