Aug. 22, 2016: Queenship of Mary

Aug. 22, 2016: Queenship of Mary

On this feast day of Queenship of Mary, we lift our anxieties, sorrows, and hardships up to our Heavenly Mother who knows our needs and our sufferings. St. Faustina knew well how compassionate our Blessed Mother is:

 ā€œDuring the night, the Mother of God visited me, holding the Infant Jesus in Her arms.  My soul was filled with joy, and I said, ā€˜Mary, my Mother, do you know how terribly I suffer?ā€™  And the Mother of God answered me, I know how much you suffer, but do not be afraid.  I share with you your suffering, and I shall always do so.ā€ (Diary, #25)

Like any good mother, Blessed Mother stands by us in times of trial.  She stood by the cross as Jesus slowly, agonizingly died.  We, too, are her children (cf. John 19:25-27), and she will not abandon us when our crosses are weighing heavy

Come to the Cross by Annie Karto

Come to the Cross,
come stand by me.
I who am your Mother
love you tenderly.
I see your tears;
I know your pain.
In my pierced heart
I felt the same.

Sorrowful Mother, will you take away my fears
my concern for my family
heartaches of these years
sometimes I want to turn away
then I hear you call me saying,

Sorrowful Mother, will you take me by the hand
give me courage and wisdom
to know and understand
this journey of love requires one thing
I surrender my life and so I sing

Come to the Cross,
I'll stand by you
I who am your child tenderly love you too,
I'll dry your tears,
I'll share your pain
In my own heart I feel the same
Come to the Cross

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