Mar. 10, 2017: Friday, First Week in Lent

Mar. 10, 2017: Friday, First Week in Lent

[Jesus taught them, saying:] “But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment.” MATTHEW 5:22

Pope Francis
In the heart of every man and woman is the desire for a full life, including that irrepressible longing for fraternity which draws us to fellowship with others and enables us to see them not as enemies or rivals, but as brothers and sisters to be accepted and embraced. World Day of Peace Message, 2014

Lord, you desire that all people live together in peace and love. As I reflect during this holy season of Lent, I realize that I must assume some of the responsibility for the conflict, division, poverty, war and violence in the world. I contribute to the breakdown of the global human family when I make someone else my enemy; when I provoke others with my temper; when I use abusive language; when I refuse to forgive someone who has offended me; when I am selfish. Lord, rekindle in my heart a desire to be loving and merciful. Give me the wisdom to accept and embrace others without judgment. Amen.

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