Nov. 2, 2021: All Souls Day

 Nov. 2, 2021: All Souls Day

“Dear children, todayl invite you to pray every day for the souls in purgatory. Every soul needs prayer and grace in order to reach God and his love. By this way, dear children, you will gain new intercessors, who will help you during your life to discern that nothing on earth is more important for you, than longing for heaven. 

For that, dear children, pray without respite, so that you may be able to help yourselves and others, to whom your prayers will bring joy” (Our Lady of Medjugorje, 11-6-86).

“The souls in purgatory have seen the warmth, love, and glory of God! Now they must take their final journey to join him for all eternity. You and I bear the gift of prayer that will help them to reach the heavenly kingdom. Our prayers are holy messengers that will release the suffering souls to the bosom of the Lord. Purgatory is the masterpiece of the merciful heart of God, the marvelous genius of his love. However, the holy souls in purgatory can no longer gain merit for themselves. Once the soul leaves the body, the time of merit is up. Then they are paying a debt. They suffer unceasingly. Our Lord wants his captives free. 

Those on their earthly pilgrimage, the Church Militant, have a great responsibility in charity to accompany with prayers and sacrifices the Church Suffering, those who have gone before us but who are not yet purified. A caution is warranted, because at times we may leave off too soon our prayers for our dear ones, believing in their prompt deliverance from purgatory within a short period of time. Purgatory is a serious but consoling doctrine of our faith. Through the prayers and sacrifices of the Church Militant, the holy souls can be relieved and released from purgatory. Is it any wonder that the holy souls invest so much hope in our prayers? We have so much to gain from the holy souls! So many promises, including: 

  • Spiritual growth is received, whereby our progress in perfection is hastened. 
  • The theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity grow. When we show charity and love, we increase in these virtues. 
  • Our own treasury of merit is increased. 
  • Appreciation of time is developed. Time is passing. We are more attentive to the precious time that God has allotted us to know, love, and serve him. We don’t waste time, and we appreciate life with a greater passion. 
  • Fresh intercessors are gained who will help us discover that things of the earth are not important. The holy souls remind us that heaven must be our goal. We cannot have too many intercessors! 

The holy souls are listening for us. Are we listening to them?

The more I learn about purgatory, the more I come to realize that this God-given gift isn't about punishment. It's about love. It's where our merciful Father helps the holy souls prepare to be with Him, face-to-face, for all eternity. And, amazingly, our beloved Father invites us to help them, too. We on earth - through our prayers, sufferings, sacrifices, and acts of kindness offered to God on behalf of those souls - can help speed them on their way home.”

(By Susan Tassone, Book, “Prayers, Promises, and Devotions for the Holy Souls in Purgatory”)


Dear God, Father of our Savior, incline your ear as I pray for my (father and/or mother), (mention name[s]), whom you have called from this life. In your most tender mercy, recall (his/her/their) kindness, generosity, love, and devotion to duty. May (he/she/they) attain that Beatific Vision which you have reserved for those who love you and do your will. Amen. 


O Lord of mercy, I pray that you will keep in your care the soul of (name), who was my soul mate, companion, and dearest friend in this life. 

Grant my beloved your assurance of final salvation in the company of the saints. May (he/she) join with your choir of heavenly hosts in worship and praise of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You, dear Lord, brought us together in the Sacrament of Marriage. May the love that we shared on earth find its ultimate meaning in the joy of heaven and our reunion with you. Amen.


O most loving and gracious Savior, I implore your mercy on behalf of the souls of those very dear to me: (names). My God, pour forth your blessings and your mercies upon all persons and upon all souls in purgatory for whom, by reason of charity, gratitude, and friendship, I am bound or desire to pray. May they now find relief from their temporary suffering through the intercession of this prayer and the benevolence of the saints who already are present to you. Amen.

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