Jan. 16, 2022: 2nd Sunday C

 Jan. 16, 2022: 2nd Sunday C

Have you ever attended a dry wedding? It’s a wedding without any alcohol, and in some cases no dancing. For South Louisianans who grew up on Mardi Gras, it’s hard to conceive a once in a lifetime wedding celebration without something to liven up the “spirit” of the party. We can appreciate what happened in Cana at the wedding party when wine ran out during a typical 8-day wedding celebration. 

The bridal family was facing a potential catastrophe and embarrassment as they discovered that they did not prepare for a shortage of wine for guests. The Blessed Mother, however, was there to take notice of the predicament, to bring it quickly to her son’s attention, and to intercede on behalf of the bridal couple and their parents. In turn, Jesus performed his first miracle in transforming approximately 150 gallons of water in the purification jars into finest wine. That’s approximately 800 bottles of wine in today’s measurement. We would all say that’s an extravagant abundance of wine for a small village wedding party.  

Jesus performed this miracle as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him. It was the beginning of the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah, that God would espouse Israel as his own bride, “For the Lord delights in you… As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you.” I’m always moved at weddings where the groom cries of joy once his bride enters the church. You can sense how awestruck he is by the bride’s beauty and the anticipation of a new life together.  

This miracle of water turned into abundance of wine would foreshadow what happened on Calvary when the soldier pierced the heart of Jesus and the blood and water flowed from his side. The Blessed Mother stood beneath the Cross to intercede with her Son for the whole world. The blood and water that flowed from the side of Jesus was a fountain of superabundant mercy which reconciled the whole human race to the Father, as St. Paul wrote, “Now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ.” (Ephesians 2:13) What was a deep sorrow and disappointment was transformed into joy and glory by the blood of Christ. This same transformation awaits each of his disciples. Where I witness everyday this transformation by the superabundant mercy is at the confessional. Whereas people come in with heavy burdens or guilt on their heart, and they leave the confessional with the joy of burdens lifted and interior freedom gained. 

Our Lord and the Blessed Mother know the joys and sorrows in our family today as we navigate through this challenging time. Just as she told the servant at the wedding at Cana, “Do whatever Jesus tells you,” we are encouraged by our Heavenly Mother to seek and to do whatever Our Lord tells us when joy runs out in our family–that is, our patience, kindness, hope, and faith. This is precisely when we need to seek Jesus.  As He has performed a miracle of turning ordinary water into wine for all the guests to enjoy, if we seek Him daily when things run dry, He will fill us with charity, the greatest of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

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