Day 6: Novena to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

Day 6: Novena to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Sixth Day: True Love Is Surrender 

“‘I thirst’ has no meaning unless through total surrender I give all to Jesus.”   “Today I will do whatever Jesus wants. And you will see that oneness. That surrender to God, to use you without consulting you. That accepting is a great sign of union with God. Holiness is that total surrender to God. Totus tuus. Completely yours. Totus tuus. Completely surrendered. Very clear! Complete. That accepting whatever He gives. That giving whatever He takes. You need much love to be able to see the hand of God.”   “I only want to do what God wants. Let us have the courage to do what God wants, even if it is difficult.”   

“Often you see small and big wires, new and old, cheap and expensive, lined up. Unless and until the current passes through them, there will be no light. The wire is you and me. The current is God. We have the power to let the current pass through us, use us, and produce the Light of the World—Jesus; or refuse to be used and allow darkness to spread. Our Lady was the most wonderful wire. She allowed God to fill her to the brim, so by her surrender—‘Be it done to me according to your word’—she became full of grace; and naturally the moment she was filled by this current, the grace of God, she went in haste to Elizabeth’s house to connect the wire, John, to the current, Jesus.”

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