Sept. 12, 2015 Saturday: Holy Name of Mary

Sept. 12, 2015 Saturday: Holy Name of Mary

There was once a woman who had great devotion to Our Lady. And like Our Lady, she had one child, but the child was "brain damaged", and though he was happy in his own way, he never learned to talk. He could say just two words, which his mother had taught him with much patience: "Ave Maria". He seemed to love saying those words over and over. If someone asked him his name, he would only answer "Ave Maria." Everyone grew to love this "Ave Maria Boy," as they called him, and they were all sorry when one day he died.

On the day of his burial, a marvelous miracle happened. As soon as the grave was covered over, a green shoot appeared, and by evening, it was a tall and beautiful lily growing out of the grave. The mourners were startled and insisted that the gravedigger uncover its roots to find where it grew; as he removed the covering, the face of the child came into view and the mystery was solved — the miraculous lily was springing from the child’s lips. The mother and everyone rejoiced at such a wonderful sign from heaven; her little boy had been dumb in life, except for his "Ave Maria," but now from his grave he was preaching a most eloquent sermon on Our Blessed Mother and her goodness to those who have confidence in her Name!

"Greet Mary frequently with the ‘Ave Maria!’ Salute Mary, think Mary, honor Mary, lean on Mary, commend yourself to Mary and repeat the Name of Mary. Be with Mary everywhere, be silent with Mary, pray with Mary, rejoice with Mary, be sad with Mary, work with Mary, walk and sit with Mary, and be recollected with Mary."
- Fr. Thomas A Kempis, author of "Imitation of Christ"

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