June 14, 2010: Daily Mass - Kindness

As many times Our Lord has taught us to 'love one another,' I would like to take a look at one of the aspects of loving another, 'kindness.' What is kindness? Let's look at what it is not. One of our basic human tendency is to be judgmental--that is, to want the satisfaction of seeing others' weaknesses or sins exposed or even condemned. And from that attitude flows our love for gossip. So that is not kindness.

St. Paul says in Romans Ch. 2:
    Therefore, you are without excuse, every one of you who passes judgment. For by the standard by which you judge another you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the very same things...Do you suppose, then, you who judge those who engage in such things and yet do them yourself, that you will escape the judgment of God? Or do you hold his priceless kindness, forbearance, and patience in low esteem, unaware that the kindness of God would lead you to repentance?

So kindness is then, willingness to see others through God's tender hearted concern. Mother Teresa said, "If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway."

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