Feb. 23, 2011 Wednesday: Jesus wants to be with me

Wisdom breathes life into her children and admonishes those who seek her.
He who loves her loves life; those who seek her will be embraced by the Lord. 
-Sirach 4:11-12

I was talking to our pastor Fr. Frank about his routine of waking up at 3:30AM and going to adoration for an hour. He said, "Most of the mornings, I'm thinking, 'I got to wake up because I want to be with Jesus.' But one morning, a heavenly wisdom entered my mind. 'Jesus is waking me up because Jesus wants to be with me.' All throughout the day, I was aware how Jesus wanted to be with me."

The same can be said for all of us who gets inspired to come to daily mass. It's not so much that I want to go to Holy Mass and receive Jesus; instead, it's Jesus who is inspiring me to get up because He wants to meet me! He wants to come to my heart in communion!

Jesus instructed St. Faustina about this mystery of communion one night. In her diary, St. Faustina wrote the following:

... I saw the Infant Jesus near my kneeler. He appeared to be about one year old, and He asked me to take Him in my arms. When I did take Him in my arms, He cuddled up close to my bosom and said, "It is good for Me to be close to your heart. ... Because I want to teach you spiritual childhood. I want you to be very little, because when you are little, I carry you close to My Heart, just as you are holding Me close to your heart right now" (Diary, 1481).

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