Sept. 19, 2013 Thursday: 24th week in Ordinary C

Jesus, I thank you for your love so strong.
May that love flow through me to others.
May I be patient when change comes slowly.
May I be kind when life seems harsh.
May I be gentle when others feel bruised.
May I be humble when things go well.
May I be peaceful when anger rises within.
May I forgive when wronged.
May I rejoice when the truth is discovered.
Love never fails, but I do.
May I hope when things seem hopeless.
May I persevere when the way is hard. Amen.
— Dr. Roger Hurding

Does Jesus know who is touching him? She tenderly anoints his feet. Tension fills the house, and right when you feel someone must say something, Jesus speaks. He’s not outraged, or even annoyed. Instead, he actually looks happy! Through the short parable he tells Simon, you begin to realize that Jesus is accepting this woman. He really is happy! You see that her tears are a mixture of sorrowful repentance and gratitude at being accepted by Jesus. Softly he tells her, “Your sins are forgiven. . . . Go in peace.” You wonder, If Jesus is happy to forgive her—is there anyone he won’t accept?

No, there isn’t! Jesus accepts you too, and with great joy. He knows exactly who you are. He has seen all of your sins. He knows that we all should be outcasts—no more deserving of heaven than this sinful woman. Yet if we just come to Jesus as she did, it is Jesus’ great pleasure to welcome us into his kingdom. It is his pleasure to tell us, “Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace.”

The Word Among Us

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