Jan. 3, 2014 Friday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus

Blessed be the name of the Lord for this time forth and for evermore.

The name Jesus speaks to “Yahweh, our salvation.” Jesus is our Way into the mysteries of Creation, Incarnation and Redemption. I am grateful for the Christian faith and revelation handed down through the ages and the Living Christ indwelling, for the Creator creating and our creaturehood evolving filling us with awe and wonder, for the Spirit drawing us towards full life in God’s love in our original goodness.

The Blessed Trinity speaks to me of relationship, of being sentient, differentiated and in communion. I find my desire to be in union and communion with God. I find my Way through the human Jesus as He lived in union with His Father.

Whose name do I call on in my humanity when I feel myself lost in a well of desolation, in suffering and sinfulness? Whose name do I call on in the joys of consolation? I have worked in hospice and been with many people in their dying and whose name do they often call out? The name of Jesus is real and personal and human. I have struggled with understanding who this Jesus is in his humanity and divinity. In prayer, it is Jesus who understands and takes on my memories, understandings, and will and then accompanies me with love and grace. I pray that all encounter Jesus in their lives.

Who do you entrust with your memories, dreams, understandings and will? How do you pray the Suscipe of St. Ignatius? Who is your Way and Truth?

—Janet Lehane is Assistant Director of the Spirituality Program for Adults at St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland OH.


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