July 12, 2015: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

July 12, 2015: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time B

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Has someone ever called you up for prayers? Let’s say that someone just called you and said that she was really anxious about what her doctor just told her at the office. She is about to drive home in that frazzled state. Would you offer to pray with her right then and there, over the phone?

When we think of a prophet, we think of someone who is very religious and has had extraordinary encounters with God. Have you ever considered that you are  a prophet, a carrier of God’s message to others? Why not? Do you feel as though you are not worthy? Do you feel that you are unqualified? Then you should take comfort in Prophet Amos. In our First Reading, king’s prophets challenge the legitimacy of Prophet Amos. They ridiculed him as a fake visionary. Then Amos replied that before serving as a prophet, he was a simple herdsman and a tree dresser for Sycamore trees. Think of this analogy. What if a janitor in your workplace began to prophesy, quoting scriptures and making uncomfortable remarks about sins and getting our relationship right with God? Would you want to silence him?

St. Paul in the Second reading makes it clear that each of us have been chosen to be God’s messenger. He said, “in [Jesus] we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will…” Each of us are broken, but redeemed through the Blood of Jesus Christ, chosen and adopted children of the Father through the Son. Since St. Paul said we are “sealed with the promised Holy Spirit", which is the first installment of our inheritance, we are to share the Truth with others.

Jesus sends us into this world to be God’s messengers, just as he did with the Twelve Apostles. He said we don’t need anything other than our trust and our love for Him to accomplish this mission. We see in the lives of saints like Mother Teresa, that they were able to accomplishGod's mission for them through trust and love. Nevertheless, it was a great struggle even for saints to get to the point of trusting and loving God. You’ve heard it said, “God doesn’t call the qualified. God qualifies those He calls.” Humility is necessary to know that it’s not we who accomplish the work, but Christ who is in us. St. Faustina beautifully said,  “When You unite Yourself with me in Communion, O God, I then feel my unspeakable greatness, A greatness which flows from You, O Lord, I humbly confess, And despite my misery, with Your help, I can become a saint.” (Diary of St. Faustina, #1718) Can we trust Jesus to provide us the right words when He asks us to be His messengers in ordinary situations of life?
-Fr. Paul Yi

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