Sept. 29, 2015 Tuesday: Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael

Sept. 29, 2015 Tuesday
Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels (Feast)

Myriads upon myriads attended him. (Daniel 7:10)

Who says angels aren’t real? Consider the following true story. While on pilgrimage in Europe, a young man feeling called to the priesthood has a mysterious encounter. He’s in Barcelona with no money when a tall, heavyset stranger offers to buy him a meal. They eat and say goodbye. He never gets the man’s name. Later, on another street, he’s cornered by five thugs—and the same man rescues him. Two weeks later, he is shopping in Madrid, more than 300 miles from Barcelona, and spots the very same man! He runs to get his mother so that she can meet him, but when he gets back, there’s only a note, saying, “God bless, Michael.”

Could this have been the archangel Michael, whose feast we celebrate today? There’s no way to know for sure. But this true story does fit Michael’s job description. He is known as the protector of the Church and the angel who cast Satan out of heaven (Revelation 12:7). Many others have seen Michael down through the centuries, and Pope Leo XIII was so devoted to him that he composed the St. Michael Prayer that we still say today.

Clearly, we have some very powerful allies in the spiritual realm! While few of us will encounter Michael or Raphael or Gabriel, we’ve all encountered some of their fellow soldiers. They are the “thousands upon thousands” mentioned in today’s first reading (Daniel 7:10). Who knows how many times we’ve been rescued by angels? And how many times angels have led us to something we needed—or away from something we didn’t. Perhaps we were guided to a particular Scripture passage that encouraged us. Or we felt a strong push away from watching a certain television program or movie.

Today is a good day to remember that we are not alone. We have, not only Jesus and the saints with us, but the angels too! We can be grateful because all of their efforts on our behalf are made for one reason—so that we can one day behold the Lord. So every day, trust that angels are at your side. They are there to help you in both ordinary and extraordinary situations. They are here to “light and guard, to rule and guide”—and that applies to you!

“Father, thank you for our angelic guardians. May they lead us to your kingdom.”

-Word Among Us,

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