Mar. 31, 2017: Friday, Fourth Week of Lent

Mar. 31, 2017: Friday, Fourth Week of Lent

Allowing God to Plead Our Case

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, those who are crushed in spirit he saves. –Psalm 34: 19

Burdened with our past sins or with worries regarding our loved ones, we are often overwhelmed or brokenhearted, as the psalmist says. As we carry the weight of these burdens, we seldom consider the dangers this constant stress has on our body and our psyche. We are just trying to survive, to get by.

Yet, as we grow weary with life, God stays close to us despite our broken hearts. Even if we have sold our souls cheaply, God stays close willing to pay the price to redeem us. The Lord always looks out for us. God redeems us rather than condemns us.

While the word diabolos in Greek means “the accuser,” or “the slanderer,” the Latin word advocatus—the word giving us the English word “advocate” that we use for the Holy Spirit—means a lawyer, or one who pleads our case in court. When we slander another person, we play the role of the diabolos. God is not diabolos, but our advocate. God doesn’t abandon us to our sins, rather God takes up our case, not only pleading in our favor but also paying the price for our crime.

By Sr. Joan Mueller, Journey to Joy

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