April 11, 2017: Tuesday of Holy Week

April 11, 2017: Tuesday of Holy Week

Worth the Price?

Amen, Amen, I say to you, the cock will not crow before you deny me three times. –John 13: 38

A New York City cabdriver called one of his passengers informing her that she left her pocketbook in his backseat. The passenger, ever grateful, offered to reward him but he declined. “If you don’t mind, just let me know how much there is in your purse.” When she informed him, the driver wrote the amount in a notebook and explained, “I’m keeping track of what it’s costing me to be honest” (Barbara Arnstein, Reader’s Digest).

The cost of honesty can add up to quite a bill. The cost of discipleship can cost a life. Peter thought he knew the price of following Jesus, but when it came down to it, the price was too dear. Rather than paying the price, he denied his Savior. The possibility of receiving the same treatment terrified him. How much is Jesus worth to us? Where do we draw the line? Does he win over our politics? our morality? our relationships? Where do we draw the line? There is a price for everything. How much is Jesus worth to you?

Father, I want to be faithful. I want to love you above all things. I want to be loyal. I want to stand up for you. Oh, I am fine in church and with my church friends, but when I am outside that familiar circle, I back down. I allow myself to be intimidated. Father, I want to give witness to your Son, Jesus. I just need a little more grace or a kindly push from you. Help me to stand up for my faith. No more backing down. Amen.

by Fr. Thomas J. Connery
Taking Lent to Heart

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