Jan. 25, 2011 Tuesday: The Sacred Heart of Jesus

The following is an excerpt from the book Lessons in Love: Moving Toward Divine Intimacy by Anne, a lay apostle

The Sacred Heart of Jesus

"For the Lord takes delight in His people" (Psalms 149-4)

Jesus experiences each of us as His closest family member. Jesus experiences us as lovable and filled with promise. The experience of Jesus has of us is constant and consistent in that He does not check in with us once a week or once a day or once an hour. The Lord has been with us in a continual and uninterrupted fashion. Jesus never takes His gaze off of us.

Jesus knows exactly where we struggle. The Lord understands what we find confusing and where we need greater clarity. Because His consideration of us has always been, Jesus understand any wounds we carry from our past and how we are living our life because of these wounds. If we are having difficulty as a reaction to woundedness, our Lord is compassionate and seeks to heal us. 

Jesus wants to heal us. Our healing is a process which Jesus undertakes personally. Our emotional and spiritual healing is a deeply personal goal for Jesus.

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