Dec. 20, 2010 Monday: 4th Week of Advent

Glory to God in the highest,
and peace on earth to all men

God’s glory is in the highest heavens, 
but his high state is now found in the stable,
what was lowly has now become sublime. 
God’s glory is on the earth, 
it is the glory of humility and love. 
And even more: the glory of God is peace. 
Wherever he is, there is peace. 
He is present wherever human beings do not attempt, 
apart from him, and even violently,
to turn earth into heaven. 
He is with those of watchful hearts; 
with the humble and those who meet him at the level of his own "height", 
the height of humility and love. 
To these people he gives his peace, 
so that through them, peace can enter this world.

Benedict XVI

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