Dec. 4, 2013 Wednesday: St. John of Damacene

Pope: we meet Jesus when we do good

Pope Francis on Sunday evening told the faithful that our meeting with Jesus takes place when we do good to others.

Celebrating Mass in the Rome Parish of Saint Cyril of Alexandria, the Pope said that life is a journey and the most beautiful gift we can receive is our encounter with Jesus.
Before celebrating Mass the Pope met with some sick people and with children preparing for Holy Communion, and he heard the Confessions of some parishioners.

Sunday’s was Pope Francis’ second visit to a Rome Parish, and speaking off the cuff, the Pope reminded those present that Jesus loves us. During the ceremony the Pope confirmed nine young boys in their faith, and he pointed out that we meet Jesus in the Sacraments, but we also meet Him - he said - "when we do good deeds, when we visit the sick, when we help the poor, when we think of others, when we are not selfish…"

During this journey – Pope Francis said – sins may hold us up and discourage us, but he said the people Jesus wanted most to meet were sinners, and many righteous people criticized Him for this reason and criticized the company he held.
But Jesus said – the Pope added - “I came for those who need healing, and Jesus heals our sins”.

Francis explained that Jesus forgives us during the Sacrament of Confession, and he invited the faithful to be courageous…

Finally, to the delight of those present for the Pope’s visit, Francis thanked all for their cheerfulness and asked for prayers. On a last note as he prepared to travel back to the Vatican he apologized for what he called an excess of security: “if something in the organization of this visit has disturbed you, perhaps an excess of security or fear, I want you to know" - he said - "that I do not agree with that kind of thing: I am with you!”