May 30, 2014 Friday: 6th Week of Easter A

What is this about wailing and weeping? Aren't we supposed to celebrate the joy of Easter today?  When Jesus talks about wailing and weeping, he is actually missing us. He could not wait to be with us again.  But he reassures us that when he comes back, we will experience joy that no one can take away from us. Shouldn't our hearts be full of joy? There is a promise of Jesus coming and so we can joyfully anticipate this reunion.

     In the meantime, while we live in a world marked by conflict and pain, Jesus prepares us to hold fast to our faith in him. Jesus compares our life experience to a woman about to give birth. During the time of delivery she suffers greatly but is so happy once her child is born. The joy of seeing her newborn child face to face is worth any pain. In the same way, when we feel the grief of loneliness, or are overwhelmed by suffering in life, the pain is obvious to us. But even in the midst of this pain, we can remember Jesus' promise that our sorrow will turn to joy.

     Our walk with God will not always be a bed of roses. There will be trials, and sometimes persecution because of what we do for God. However, Jesus reminds us that we can draw joy and consolation in prayers said together. When we gather as a worshipping community, we will experience his presence. Whatever we ask in his name the Father will grant. The darkness in the world may grieve, but our hope will remain strong because of the promise of Jesus love.
     In spite of all the trials and pain, let us continue to follow Jesus, for at the end there will be great rejoicing in store for those who are faithful to him.

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