Oct. 9, 2015 Friday: St. Denis and Companions

Oct. 9, 2015 Friday: St. Denis and Companions

[Jesus said] “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” LUKE 11:23

Reflection: We can progress in life with good people in our lives. We grow in self-confidence when people believe in us, love us, trust us, and affirm our goodness. We can succeed in life with committed, loyal collaborators. We can overcome personal difficulties with caring companions to listen to us, to guide us with their wisdom, and to walk with us on the journey of life. We can endure all things when we have a community of people around us to support us throughout the seasons of life.

Life becomes burdensome when people do not believe in us and in our goodness. We find it difficult to advance in life without the love, care, and support of others. We become overwhelmed and frustrated when people do not acknowledge and appreciate our unique gifts and talents. We become discouraged when our close companions have no time to listen to us and help us resolve our problems. We feel abandoned when the people we have always depended on to be with us scatter. The gospel teaches us that being a follower of Christ in the world is not easy. We find living a life of discipleship more challenging when people of faith abandon God’s work of love and scatter. Being Christlike requires deep commitment and a constant change of heart. We will experience joy and disappointment in living and giving witness to our faith. We can live a vibrant spiritual life with the support of a community of believers. We can spread Jesus’ liberating message of love, compassion, peace, and forgiveness with the help of faithful coworkers.

Rev. Warren J. Savage & Mary Ann McSweeny

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