A Journey with Blessed Mother

A Journey with Blessed Mother

Before the close of her solemn feast day of Immaculate Conception, I pondered about how Blessed Mother led me from my childhood to priesthood. Her relationship with each of us is unique, and I’m sure you have your own wonderful journey to tell.

My encounter with her began at the age of six in South Korea, learning to pray the Rosary before a small statue of Our Lady of Fatima at a neighbor's home. As I participated in junior Legion of Mary as a third grader, I learned about prayer and acts of charity. My encounter with her would abruptly end for few years as our family immigrated to Texas from South Korea. But I would meet her again in a Korean Catholic Church in downtown Dallas. Although I pushed out from recesses of my conscious mind Our Lord and Blessed Mother during high school and early college days, she came back into my life under the title of Our Lady of Fatima, reminding me of her reality and intercession.

Throughout the years, I would encounter Blessed Mother under various titles:
Our Lady of Medjugorje helped me discover why I was placed here on earth--to serve as a priest of Jesus Christ. Our Lady of Guadalupe comforted me as she reassured me during times of fear and inadequacies. Our Lady of Sorrows taught me to accept with joy difficulties and sufferings that came my way. Our Lady of Lourdes showed me that there is power and healing in the intercessory prayer. Our Lady of La Salette revealed to me that she weeps for her children who do not pray or do not yet know the love of her Son.

What a privilege and blessing it is to be aware that this Heavenly Mother loves me far beyond my imagination! With grateful heart, I cry out to her, "Hail Holy Queen! Mother of Mercy. Our life, our sweetness, and our hope!"

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