Oct. 15, 2019: St. Teresa of Avila

Oct. 15, 2019: St. Teresa of Avila

God is willing to wait for me for many a day, even many a year.

“We hear the Lord calling to us and promising us his peace, even when we are still caught up in the pleasures and vanities of this world. But so desirous is our Lord that we should seek him and enjoy the peace of his company, that in one way or another he never ceases calling to us. However slow we are to answer, however unable or unwilling we are to do his bidding at once, we need not be downcast or discouraged. God is willing to wait for us for many a day, and even many a year, especially when perseverance and good desires are in our hearts. Perseverance is our essential first response to God's invitation to peace of soul. What need we have of God's mercy, lest the easy attractions of the world delude us into forsaking what we have so tentatively begun, lest we fail to persevere in our desire to answer God's invitation to peace. We need to persevere in our desire to love the Lord and in our attempts to make some return to him for so many proofs of his love, especially his constant, persevering presence in our soul. This faithful lover never gives up on us. However long we live, we could never wish for a better friend than God, who even in this life grants us a far greater peace than we are able to desire.” - St Teresa of Avila

Let nothing, O Lord, disturb the silence of this night. Let nothing make me afraid. I hear you, O Lord, calling to me and promising me your peace, even though I am still caught up in the pleasures and vanities of this world. But so much do you desire that I should seek you and enjoy the peace of your company, that in one way or another you never cease calling to me. You have willingly waited for me for many a day, and even many a year. I have been, I know, slow to answer, unable and unwilling to do your bidding at once. I have been, I know, slow to answer, unable and unwilling to do your bidding at once. But I need not be downcast or discouraged if you can find in my heart perseverance and desire to respond to your invitation to peace of soul. For if I have you, God, I will want for nothing. You alone suffice.

“Let Nothing Disturb You: Teresa of Avila” (Edited by John Kirvan)

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