May 26, 2011 Thursday: 5th Week of Easter (A)

Kindness is one of God's greatest gifts to the world
from The Hidden Power of Kindness by Fr. Lawrence G. Lovasik

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Kindness drives gloom and darkness from souls and puts hope into fainting hearts. It sweetens sorrow and lessens pain. It discovers unsuspected beauties of human character and calls forth a response from all that is best in souls. Kindness purifies, glorifies, and ennobles all that it touches. It opens the floodgates of children's laughter and gathers the tears of repentant love. It lightens the burden of weariness.

Kindness stops the torrent of angry passion, takes the sting from failure, and kindles courageous ambition. It lifts the unfortunate, leads back the wayward, and walks in the steps of our Savior.

Kindness is too often left uncultivated because people do not sufficiently understand its value. Men may be charitable, merciful, and self-sacrificing, yet not kind. Kindness, as a grace, is not always sufficiently cultivated even among some devout people. Many devout people are unkind. There is sometimes a sort of spiritual selfishness in their devotion, which may interfere with kindness. This calls for much vigilance.

Kindness is the grand cause of God in the world. Where it is natural, it must be supernaturally planted. Your mission in life should be to reconquer for God's glory His unhappy world and give it back to Him. Devote yourself to the beautiful apostolate of kindness, so that you and others may enjoy the bliss of Divine Life.

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