April 14, 2015 Tuesday: 2nd Week of Easter

April 14, 2015 Tuesday: 2nd Week of Easter

Nicodemus came to Jesus looking for clarity, for a better understanding of what Jesus was teaching. But Jesus didn’t just take him one step further in his faith; he turned his whole world upside down. He told Nicodemus that Nicodemus had to be “born from above” if he wanted to understand Jesus’ words (John 3:7). Nicodemus needed to embrace a whole new way of living, a way guided by the sometimes gusty wind of the Spirit.

Look back over your life. Where have you seen the Holy Spirit blowing you onto a new and different path? Think about a time when God surprised you, maybe by deepening your faith as you endured a stormy period. Maybe there was a family emergency that brought people together. Maybe you lost your job, but new opportunities opened up. Maybe your parish priest was transferred, but the new pastor’s preaching resulted in a conversion of someone you know.

God may be unpredictable, but he is completely trustworthy! Whether the wind of his Spirit blows hard or gently, he will always respond to our faith with more grace and a deeper relationship with him. So let the lessons from your past help you lay hold of your faith in the present and the future!

“Lord, no matter how the wind blows, I will hold on to you. I trust that your ways are the best!”

Word Among Us, www.wau.org

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