April 9, 2015 Thursday: Octave of Easter

I believe that each of us has need for forgiveness whether it is I who must forgive or other will have to forgive me. The point is repentance and forgiveness must be proclaimed (Gospel), first to us and then to others. I’ll never forget what a Capuchin priest told me in confession: “Father, learn to forgive yourself also.”

Forgiveness is not a human initiative. Humanly speaking, it is impossible to forgive, for it is a divine trait; therefore, there is a need to ask God for help with a humble heart. Moreover in order for forgiveness to bring healing it must be done in Jesus’ name (1st reading).

Having proclaimed and practiced repentance and forgiveness, at the end of our lives, in our homecoming, we shall approach God with bowed heads and in all humility we will utter the publican’s prayer: “Lord have mercy.” And with joyful hope we will take solace in His words: “Blessed are the merciful, they shall find mercy.” (Fr. Atilano Corcuera, SVD Bible Diary 2007)

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