April 28, 2015 Tuesday: 4th Week in Easter

April 28, 2015 Tuesday: 4th Week in Easter

A group of botanists went on an expedition in the Alps searching for new varieties of flowers. One of them looked through his binoculars and saw a beautiful and rare species growing at the bottom of a deep ravine. The problem was to reach it and they needed someone to be lowered into that gorge. They noticed a local youngster standing nearby, so the man approached him if he would help them get the flower. The lad was told that a rope would be tied around his waist and the men would then lower him to the floor of the canyon. The boy was excited but apprehensive about the adventure. “Wait,” he said, “I’ll be back!” When he returned, he was accompanied by an older man. Approaching the head botanist, the boy said, “I’ll go over the cliff now and get the flower for you but this man must hold on to the rope. He’s my dad!”

It is human to put our trust into someone we know deeply. It is dangerous to entrust ourselves to strangers and individuals we are not acquainted with. It is similar with our attitude in trusting God. We could not fully give ourselves to His disposal if we do not know Him much.

In today’s gospel, Jesus manifested His authentic trust in God His Father. As Christians, we need also to possess this trust by listening to the voice of the Lord Jesus our Good Shepherd. He will never permit us to stray away from Him. He is always on our side to protect us from harm. He will not allow the forces of darkness to lead us into eternal destruction. We might be experiencing pain, suffering, sickness and death. But the Lord will lead us to ultimate victory and safety in his everlasting home. The Good Shepherd assures us that amidst sufferings we can find peace and security. We should remain confident in the Lord wherever he lead us. (Fr. Marlone Ramirez, SVD Bible Diary 2005)

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