May 3, 2021: 5th Sunday Easter B

 May 3, 2021: 5th Sunday Easter B

“Don’t leave me…  Stay with me… Remain with me.” Are these our prayers sometimes when God seems to be far from us or when we feel the emptiness in us? A comedian named Michael Jr. was making a name for himself with appearances on The Tonight Show and other high profile late-night shows. While his career was taking off, he sensed an emptiness growing inside. One night his manager invited him to a church service. Although he felt that church was only for sick or dying people, he went and listened intently to the message of the pastor. The experience prompted him to read the Holy Bible from beginning to the end. After reading the Bible, Michael Jr. focused his life on following Jesus. He realized that God had made him funny for a reason, “Comedy is just the seasoning that gets people thinking about Jesus.” One night as Michael was preparing for a show, he felt as if God gave him a completely different perspective on the purpose of his work. Comedians typically ask themselves, “how can I get more laughs from people.” That night, a different question came to his mind, “How can I give people an opportunity to laugh?” Michael Jr. was thinking not as an ordinary comedian but as a Christian comedian who is rooted in serving in Christ and for Christ. 

At the root of all that we do and are, is our friendship and love for Jesus. We are connected to him in an irrevocable way through our baptism which  grafted us into the life and the grace of Christ. The image of the vine and branches highlight the intimate union we have with Christ. Even though we cannot see him, we are closely connected to him just as the branches of a vine are connected to the stem. “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” He said this in the Upper Room during the Last Supper after he washed the feet of his disciples. Jesus carried out an act of service traditionally carried out by slaves; Our Lord who contained in himself all power, humbled himself like a slave in order to serve. When Jesus was about to wash Peter’s feet, Peter forbade him to wash his feet. Jesus then warned him, “If I do not wash you, you do not have any part with me.” We cannot achieve anything of spiritual value outside of Christ and his grace. Therefore, we cannot succeed in any endeavors without our total dependence on him.  

Practically, how do we remain in Christ? To remain in Jesus consists in fulfilling his commandments, to follow the path of the beatitudes, and to perform the works of mercy. Without Jesus we can do nothing fruitful for the Kingdom of God. We can be busy doing something, accumulating something, and yet, we are not getting any closer to the Heavenly Father and His Kingdom. There needs to be a paradigm shift in our lives. Instead of asking what can I receive or what’s in it for me, begin to ask, “What can I do to give someone an opportunity to be closer to Jesus?” When we approach our work, our family, and our recreation with this question in mind, we connect to the sap of Our Lord’s vine--the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  

When Michael Jr. left the comedy club one night after a very successful performance, adoring fans greeted him and wanted his autograph. Michael noticed across the street a homeless man standing dejected. They locked eyes; a thought came to his mind, “How can I give him an opportunity to laugh?” Michael began to volunteer time giving comedy shows at prisons, homeless shelters, and homes for abused children. He arrived one evening at the Youth Prison to give a comedy show to the juvenile inmates, or as Michael would say, “to give them an opportunity to laugh.” It was a compulsory event for the youth, so the young men were not in a good mood and felt that it was a waste of time. Michael began to tell some jokes, but they fell flat. Sensing that he needed a divine intervention, Michael prayed for wisdom. Then a flash of ideas came by. An inmate sitting directly in front of him was named Moses. So Michael told him, "Moses, here's what I want you to do. When you see the prison warden, I want you to look him in his eye and say, ‘Let my people go.’" The place exploded in laughter and that began an amazing time for the youth. That evening, Michael realized that he was dependent on Christ, and he received everything from Christ. Michael Jr. ended with some closing thoughts. “Some of you here may believe that you’re not important or that you’re a mistake. I’m telling you, you’re absolutely not a mistake. You can make a mistake, or you can make a bad choice. But, you can’t be a mistake.” This message is the fruit of Michael’s own struggle over the years of feeling worthless; Jesus taught Michael over the years that his worth and purpose came from Christ alone. 

One of the visible fruits of abiding or remaining in relationship with Jesus is that we have the courage to step out of our comfort zone and place ourselves in the service of others and give Christian witness. Commitment to charity for our neighbor and self-sacrifice are born from daily encounter with Risen Jesus. How important it is for us to constantly turn our hearts to Jesus who remains in us and with us; otherwise, we can be so forgetful. St. Padre Pio often prayed after Holy Mass in thanksgiving. He prayed to Jesus to stay with him. May this be our prayer too every day:  

Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often.

Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without meaning and hope.

Stay with me, Lord, for I seek You alone, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and I ask for no other reward but to love You more and more, with a strong active love.

Grant that I may love You with all my heart while on earth, so that I can continue to love you perfectly throughout all eternity, dear Jesus.

(Song: Stay with Me, Lord - (Michael Jr. Comedy)

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