Day 33 - Consecration to St. Joseph

 Consecration to St. Joseph - Day 33 of Preparation / Consecration

He Made Him the Lord of His Household, and Prince Over All His Possessions

Youā€™ve made it! Today, you are going to consecrate yourself entirely to St. Joseph. For the rest of your life, love, trust, and honor St. Joseph. Go to him in times of plenty, in times of poverty, in good times and in bad. He will be your guardian, your strength, and your certainty of not being lost. If you become weary, go to Joseph. If you become anxious, go to Joseph. When you are alone, mourning, or tempted, run to St. Joseph! He will never be far from you. He will hear your voice and be your quick defense. A fearless warrior, your spiritual father will rush to your side and protect you.

Fr. Calloway writes, "Never forget what you have learned in these days of preparation. Renew your consecration frequently. Strive to please the loving heart of your spiritual father. Avoid sin and live as a faithful member of the Church. Should scandals persist, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph. They will never disappoint you. They will never abandon you. They will always love you and be with you."

1. Watch: the video below.
2. READ: Day 33 - He him the Lord of his household, and prince over all his possessions
3. PRAY: Consecration to St. Joseph (below/ also video)

*Video of Fr. Calloway:

Act of Consecration to St. Joseph 
by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC 

On this day, before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses, I, ___________________, a repentant sinner, consecrate myself, body and soul, to you, St. Joseph. I turn to you as my spiritual father and place my life and my salvation into your hands. Confident in your goodness, I place myself under your paternal cloak and ask you to protect me from the world, the flesh, and the devil. 
Saint Joseph, you are the virginal husband of the Mother of God! Help me to love her with tender affection and filial devotion. Mary is my spiritual mother and the surest, fastest, and easiest way to Jesus. Keep me close to her and, together with her, bring me closer to Jesus. 
Never depart from me, St. Joseph. Nourish me with the Bread of Life, instruct me in the wisdom of the saints, help me carry my cross, and keep me always in the Catholic Church. When From this day onward, I will never forget you. I will speak of you often, spend time with you in prayer and, with your help, earnestly strive to sin no more. Should I fall, help me to repent and go to Confession. Should I go astray, guide me back to the truth. 
Before heaven and earth, my soul cries out: Praise to the Holy Trinity who has made you prince over all their possessions! Praise to the Virgin Mary who loves you and longs to see you loved! Praise to you, my spiritual father, the great St. Joseph! 
I give everything to you, St. Joseph. Take me as your own. I am yours. Amen!

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