Day 3: Sunday, May 13, 2018 Novena to the Holy Spirit

Day 3: Sunday, May 13, 2018
Novena to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful
and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

You, of all comforters best;
You the soul’s most
welcome guest.
Sweet refreshment here below.

Ezekiel 11:19-20
And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within
them. And I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and
give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes
and keep My ordinances and do them. Then they will be My
people, and I shall be their God.

V: Renew your wonders in the Church of our day and in
each one of us, as by a new Pentecost.
Increase in us the Spirit of Counsel, we pray to the Lord.
R: Lord, hear our prayer.

Come Holy Spirit,
Renew your wonders in this our day, as by a new Pentecost.
Grant to your Church that, being of one mind and steadfast in prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and following the lead of the successors of Saint Peter and the Apostles, it may advance the reign of our Divine Savior, the reign of truth and justice, the reign of love and peace.- Amen

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