May 20, 2018: Pentecost B

May 20, 2018: Pentecost B

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Have you seen recently in the news the power of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii? We’ve seen the fire power of spewing molten lava destroying homes and the volcanic eruption that sent an ash cloud 30,000 feet in the air. The effect of the eruption was such a contrast to the normally tranquil, peaceful, and beautiful landscape of Hawaii. The folks living near Kilauea must wonder each day what will unfold with the volcano.

For the disciples of Jesus in Jerusalem, the days following Jesus’ Ascension had been a time of uncertainty. They were fearful of persecution by Jewish leaders and yet they were told by Jesus to wait in Jerusalem for the arrival of the Advocate. Most likely the disciples, similar to the residents living near Kilauea, were wondering what would unfold next. Imagine the surprise of the disciples and Blessed Mother in the Upper Room when the Holy Spirit arrived in a powerful way... with a rush of mighty winds and tongues of fire resting on each disciple! Each of them received and experienced the gift and the power of the Holy Spirit, fulfilling Jesus’ message to them, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be my witnesses.” (Acts 1:8)

Do we believe that we also have received power from on high? At baptism, the Blessed Trinity--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--made its home in us and made us adopted children of God with the right to call Him Father. His love, a love beyond telling, raises us closer to His heart to a union beyond our wildest dreams. We need not envy the Apostles at their Pentecost, for the Sacrament of Confirmation we received was our own personal Pentecost. The Holy Spirit came upon us in a special way, with varied gifts and graces that enable us to imitate Jesus. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit have been given to us as tools and means to accomplish the will of the Heavenly Father. However, are these gifts of the Holy Spirit dormant or active like the Kilauea Volcano? In order for the power of the Holy Spirit to be alive, we must be aware and exercise these gifts. A power that we are not aware of is no power at all.

The main power of the Holy Spirit indwelling in us is love--love of God and neighbor. The power of the Holy Spirit manifests itself through our exercise of the gifts that help us love God and neighbor. Like any gift we receive for our birthday or wedding; if we don’t unwrap it and just put it in the closet, it’s of no use for us. If we unwrap it but just put it on the shelf, it’s still of no use to us. We must be aware of the gifts we received and use them. For example, during a time when we may be tempted to stray from what is right, the Gift of the Fear of the Lord inspires us to reverence God and keep us from giving into temptation. When our neighbor demands more time and love than we can handle, the Holy Spirit gives us the Gift of Piety to be patient with our neighbor. When we feel too weak spiritually to accomplish the tasks that God has given us, the Holy Spirit strengthens us with the Gift of Fortitude. At times when we are unsure of decision making, the Holy Spirit provides us the Gift of Counsel to decide what is God’s Will for us. When we are too attached to things of the world, the Holy Spirit helps us detach with the help of the Gift of Knowledge. When our faith is weak, the Holy Spirit increases our faith by giving us the light through the Gift of Understanding. At times, the Holy Spirit makes us aware of His abiding presence through the Gift of Wisdom.

Jennifer Commeau (ACH student) along with Ms. Susan Jumonville (Ascension Church Coordinator of Religious Education) and Ms. Carol Pearce (ACH teacher) praying with Ms. Angella. (Photo Courtesy of Halen Doughty of Donaldsonville Chief)
These Gifts of the Holy Spirit were powerfully exercised recently by the sophomore class of Ascension Catholic High School when they went on a field trip. They visited three elderly adults, bringing them flowers, balloons, and smiles. One lady they visited had recently lost her son, and the students’ singing of the hymn Amazing Grace and their presence to her brought tears of comfort to her. When the group left the lady, one student ran back to pray with her. The student shared with the lady that she lost her mom recently, and while it was very difficult time for her, God saw her through. The student powerfully witnessed what we profess in the Creed, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life.”

What keeps us from exercising the Gifts of Holy Spirit which we all have received? No one should be jealous or envious of others because Heavenly Father has given each of us all that is necessary to fulfill His will for us. With our Sacrament of Confirmation, we have been commissioned to be ambassadors for God to the world, to witness Our Lord and spread the Good News. The same power that raised Jesus from the grave, the same power that can calm a raging sea, the same power that command the dead to wake--lives in us. When we realize that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us, and if we exercise the Gifts of the Holy Spirit daily, we are changed and the world is changed. May we imitate Blessed Mother and the Apostles who exercised the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to the fullest by their complete surrender and trust in the Father. The power of the Kilauea volcano is massive and impressive, yet its power pales in comparison with the power we have received from the Holy Spirit. The volcano will one day pass away, but those with the gifts of the Holy Spirit will prevail and transform the landscape of this earth in more powerful ways. Let us ask all the angels and saints to reawaken our awareness of the power of love we have received from the Heavenly Father and not be afraid to exercise them to the fullest for love of the Father and our neighbor.

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