May 31, 2018 Feast of Visitation - 10th Priestly Anniversary
May 31, 2018 Feast of Visitation - 10th Priestly Anniversary
Have you ever been asked to make a move or a change without any time for preparation, without room for negotiation, or without a chance to leave options open? Can a choice or a commitment made in such a situation ever be joyful or life giving? Let’s consider Blessed Mother’s situation at the Annunciation. A young girl is greeted by Archangel Gabriel’s news of a change in her life that she never could have anticipated — that she would be with a child by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel of Luke tells us that the young Blessed Mother found the angel’s greeting troubling, perhaps she experienced fears and doubts. In that short moment, she doesn’t negotiate or argue; she responds with her fiat and her faith--that she is the Lord’s servant, so let it be, God will provide. Often when we make a decision or commitment, we would like to have all the facts on hand, all the permutations of scenarios mapped out, and an exit strategy planned. Her miraculous pregnancy is beyond comprehension for all of us. Her response to the angel shows us that for some events in our lives, we can only understand them through faith and hopeful trust.
Her travel in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth shows us that Blessed Mother was filled with joy of what God is doing for her and her cousin. Elizabeth, too, was surprised by her miraculous and unexpected pregnancy. Through the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth knew that her cousin was with a special child. Elizabeth didn’t doubt or argue to grasp how this all could be happening. She responded with faith. Blessed Mother’s Magnificat shows us that her response of faith is focused on God and Our Savior. "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior...the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name...He has come to the help of his servant Israel for he has remembered his promise of mercy, the promise he made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children for ever." She trusted in God, and not in herself or the world around her. Looking through the life of Blessed Mother, we can see that God who gives us all we need, brings us safely through all that we encounter.
How different that is from what most of us experience in life. We cling to the things of this world, trusting that they will get us through everything--everything that money can buy. Yet Jesus taught us a great paradox of faith, that when we try to hold to what we think is precious, we end up losing everything. But when we let go and give away in trust, then we gain everything. When we let go of material things, or drop masks, then we allow the Lord to grow closer to us.
I have shared with you over the past several years, my story of how I walked far away from Our Lord. I tried to grasp the dreams that the world and the evil one offered me, dreams that has no part with God. But I knew something was missing. It was through my mother’s prayers, my own recollections, and other events in my life that I was drawn back to life with God. It was the encounters with Blessed Mother that pointed me to the ultimate purpose and the joy of my life--to proclaim the love of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and to bring Christ to others.
In our lives, we like to leave options open. It gives us a feeling of being in charge or in control. But there is a more excellent way; there is no greater joy than to accompany Blessed Mother on her fiat and hopeful trust in Heavenly Father in this life. Every one of us has a vocation, a unique something that only we can do in the providence of God. The same God who called us to this unique vocation will repair and make straight our false steps in living out our vocational commitments. Do whatever Jesus tells you, is what Blessed Mother told the attendants at the Wedding at Cana. We ask this good Mother to help us to live in trust of Jesus and not to rely on our calculations. Let it be. We are the Lord’s servants, and the Lord will provide.
I cannot adequately express in words the joy and love I have known over the last 10 years as a priest in being so close to the heart of Jesus. It is a great privilege as I stand at the altar at each Mass to know that Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the Saints are present as we represent the Last Supper and Calvary. I would have never experienced the privilege of entering into the joys and sorrows of the lives of so many parishioners at St Louis King of France, St. Aloysius, Mater Dolorosa, Our Lady of Mercy, Immaculate Conception in Denham Springs, and especially at Ascension, St Francis, and Our Lady of Prompt Succor had I remained an engineer. I may have made some missteps that caused hurt which I’m truly sorry. My longing is for each of us to know the depth of God’s love for us and the suffering that Christ endured for us so that we may be united to God forever in eternity. My longing is for each of us to be compassionate as Our Lord is compassionate. I assure you of my love and prayers.
The Following Letter was sent from my mom (2005) when I was in seminary. I read this letter at my First Mass of Thanksgiving, the day after priestly ordination, at Our Lady of Mercy on June 1, 2008
My beloved son,
Time is passing so fast that you are already 32 years old. When you and your sister were young, I wished the time would pass more quickly, yet already I am 70 years old.
When you told us that you were going to the seminary, my heart was pierced with pain. Yet, now I feel so at peace and grateful to the Lord.
I would have never thought that the day would come when many mothers are envious of me. Perhaps the Lord is now blessing me with this special grace for the way I was being generous with others.
My dear son, pray and study diligently. My prayer to the Lord everyday is that you receive the grace to deliver well God’s message to your parishioners. I pray and hope that you will be a good disciple of Christ and you will become more like Christ through the virtues of chastity, poverty, and obedience.
Your mother.
Have you ever been asked to make a move or a change without any time for preparation, without room for negotiation, or without a chance to leave options open? Can a choice or a commitment made in such a situation ever be joyful or life giving? Let’s consider Blessed Mother’s situation at the Annunciation. A young girl is greeted by Archangel Gabriel’s news of a change in her life that she never could have anticipated — that she would be with a child by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Gospel of Luke tells us that the young Blessed Mother found the angel’s greeting troubling, perhaps she experienced fears and doubts. In that short moment, she doesn’t negotiate or argue; she responds with her fiat and her faith--that she is the Lord’s servant, so let it be, God will provide. Often when we make a decision or commitment, we would like to have all the facts on hand, all the permutations of scenarios mapped out, and an exit strategy planned. Her miraculous pregnancy is beyond comprehension for all of us. Her response to the angel shows us that for some events in our lives, we can only understand them through faith and hopeful trust.
Her travel in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth shows us that Blessed Mother was filled with joy of what God is doing for her and her cousin. Elizabeth, too, was surprised by her miraculous and unexpected pregnancy. Through the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth knew that her cousin was with a special child. Elizabeth didn’t doubt or argue to grasp how this all could be happening. She responded with faith. Blessed Mother’s Magnificat shows us that her response of faith is focused on God and Our Savior. "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior...the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name...He has come to the help of his servant Israel for he has remembered his promise of mercy, the promise he made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children for ever." She trusted in God, and not in herself or the world around her. Looking through the life of Blessed Mother, we can see that God who gives us all we need, brings us safely through all that we encounter.
How different that is from what most of us experience in life. We cling to the things of this world, trusting that they will get us through everything--everything that money can buy. Yet Jesus taught us a great paradox of faith, that when we try to hold to what we think is precious, we end up losing everything. But when we let go and give away in trust, then we gain everything. When we let go of material things, or drop masks, then we allow the Lord to grow closer to us.
I have shared with you over the past several years, my story of how I walked far away from Our Lord. I tried to grasp the dreams that the world and the evil one offered me, dreams that has no part with God. But I knew something was missing. It was through my mother’s prayers, my own recollections, and other events in my life that I was drawn back to life with God. It was the encounters with Blessed Mother that pointed me to the ultimate purpose and the joy of my life--to proclaim the love of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and to bring Christ to others.
In our lives, we like to leave options open. It gives us a feeling of being in charge or in control. But there is a more excellent way; there is no greater joy than to accompany Blessed Mother on her fiat and hopeful trust in Heavenly Father in this life. Every one of us has a vocation, a unique something that only we can do in the providence of God. The same God who called us to this unique vocation will repair and make straight our false steps in living out our vocational commitments. Do whatever Jesus tells you, is what Blessed Mother told the attendants at the Wedding at Cana. We ask this good Mother to help us to live in trust of Jesus and not to rely on our calculations. Let it be. We are the Lord’s servants, and the Lord will provide.
I cannot adequately express in words the joy and love I have known over the last 10 years as a priest in being so close to the heart of Jesus. It is a great privilege as I stand at the altar at each Mass to know that Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the Saints are present as we represent the Last Supper and Calvary. I would have never experienced the privilege of entering into the joys and sorrows of the lives of so many parishioners at St Louis King of France, St. Aloysius, Mater Dolorosa, Our Lady of Mercy, Immaculate Conception in Denham Springs, and especially at Ascension, St Francis, and Our Lady of Prompt Succor had I remained an engineer. I may have made some missteps that caused hurt which I’m truly sorry. My longing is for each of us to know the depth of God’s love for us and the suffering that Christ endured for us so that we may be united to God forever in eternity. My longing is for each of us to be compassionate as Our Lord is compassionate. I assure you of my love and prayers.
The Following Letter was sent from my mom (2005) when I was in seminary. I read this letter at my First Mass of Thanksgiving, the day after priestly ordination, at Our Lady of Mercy on June 1, 2008
My beloved son,
Time is passing so fast that you are already 32 years old. When you and your sister were young, I wished the time would pass more quickly, yet already I am 70 years old.
When you told us that you were going to the seminary, my heart was pierced with pain. Yet, now I feel so at peace and grateful to the Lord.
My dear son, pray and study diligently. My prayer to the Lord everyday is that you receive the grace to deliver well God’s message to your parishioners. I pray and hope that you will be a good disciple of Christ and you will become more like Christ through the virtues of chastity, poverty, and obedience.
Your mother.