May 18, 2015 Monday: 7th Week in Easter

May 18, 2015 Monday: 7th Week in Easter

There is this story about an alcoholic, playboy and gambler (alak-babae-sugal in Tagalog parlance) who figured in a serious vehicular accident one night on his way home. With severe head and body injuries and almost unconscious behind the wheel, he saw these big, boldvehicular accident one night on his way home. With severe head and body injuries and almost unconscious behind the wheel, he saw these big, bold and well-lighted letters – HELL. He knew he was by the gate of Hell. Crying profusely he shouted in prayer to God saying, “Lord, I am not ready to enter the place. Give me another chance and I will change my kind of life!” shortly afterwards, he passed out. The rescuers came, pulled him out of his almost totally wrecked car and he was brought to the hospital. He survived the ordeal, remembered what he prayed to God and once out of the hospital, he turned a new page in his life. What he didn’t know was that the place where the accident happened was by a gasoline station. From his vantage point inside the car before he was rescued, the letter “S” was fully blocked by a vacant billboard. It was “SHELL.”

In today’s gospel, the disciples were at past happy that Jesus was not anymore talking to them in veiled manner such as in his parables before. This time they found no need to question Him.

Yet even when he talked to them using figures of speech, Jesus had His own special purpose. When His disciples asked Him before, “Why do you use parables to talk to the people?” Jesus answered, “The reason I use parables in talking to them is that they look, but do not see, and they listen but do not hear or understand. So the prophecy of Isaiah applies to them “… they will look and look, but not see, because their minds are dull and they have stopped us their ears and have closed their eyes. Otherwise, their eyes would see, their ears would hear, their minds would understand and they would turn to me and I would heal him,” (Matt 13:13-15).

Today there are times when the Lord still talks to us in a “veiled manner” as was the case of the alak-babae-sugal man. But he does it surely for a good and special purpose.

Reflect: Do you notice that many different ways God comes to your life? Do you recognize Him in people, places and events? Do you understand His special message for you? (Fr. Ed Foguso, SVD Bible Diary 2009)

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