May 8, 2015 Friday: 5th Week in Easter

May 8, 2015 Friday: 5th Week in Easter

The gospel today shows us that our love for God is a love of friendship. He says: “You are my friends, if you do what I command you.” To be a friend of God is a great gift. Jesus calls His disciples His friends and not His servants. What does it mean to be a friend of God? Friendship with God certainly entails a loving relationship which goes beyond mere duty and obedience. Jesus’ discourse on friendship and brotherly love echoes the words of Proverbs: “A friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for adversity,” (Prov. 17:17).

Like love, today friendship is easily misrepresented by us. But friendship is more than convenience, mutual tolerance or mutual utility. Friends not only share love, they share secrets and intimate knowledge. Friendship implies an intimate sharing of goods. It involves familiarity and ease in mutual dealings. An old Jewish proverb says: “A friend is one who warns you.” Spiritual writers talk about the practice of “presence of God.” God is present in our hearts as a good friend. We can maintain a conversation and dialogue with Him as we go about our tasks for the day.

At the end, if we want to be true friends, let us maybe listen to these advices (from Common Ground, January, 1990):

When you are with people, be aware of their likes and dislikes.
Remember friend’s birthdays and anniversaries.
Take interest in and cultivate relationships with your friend’s children.
Become need sensitive
Keep in touch by phone.
Express what you like about your relationship with another person.
Serve your friends in thoughtful, unexpected ways.

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