May 7, 2015 Thursday: 5th Week in Easter

May 7, 2015 Thursday: 5th Week in Easter

I read this sad story about a father who, while washing his brand-new car, heard a scratching sound and saw his eight-year-old son writing something on the car door. In a fit of anger, he hit the hand of his son so hard unknowingly with a wrench that the boy had to be brought to the hospital.

When he came home, he looked at the car and on it were the words written: “I Love You, Daddy.”

Jesus commands us to love one another because the Father loves Him and so He loves us too. That is why in today’s gospel He says: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you, remain in my love,” (v. 9). Through these words, Jesus says to us that He loves us because the Father loves Him first. He loves us very much because the Father loves Him very much as well. His Father’s love for Him is everlasting, selfless and undying and so also His love for us is everlasting, selfless and undying. As the Father loves Him, so does Jesus loves us in the same measure of His Father’s love for Him.

And so I invite you to reflect on the words Jesus is saying in today’s gospel. Jesus says: “As the Father loves me,” (v. 9). For me, I am sure that God the Father loves me and really cares for me. It is because His love for me is, above all, personal. Even if I experienced trials and difficulties in life just like this text message I received a long time ago, God still loves and cares for me as He loves and cares for Jesus. His love for me is unparalleled. His love for me does not change. The text message I received says: “Sometimes God breaks our spirit to save our soul. Sometimes He breaks our hearts to make us whole. Sometimes He sends us failure so we can be humble. Sometimes He sends us illness so we can take care of ourselves better. Sometimes He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.” Do we believe in God’s love for us?

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