May 21, 2015 Thursday: 7th Week in Easter

May 21, 2015 Thursday: 7th Week in Easter

Baula, a very old man I encountered in one of my home visitations asked me with much concern: “Why is it that people say, ‘we believe in one and the same God’ but we have so many different Christian churches, sects and denominations and worse, each one tries to destroy and outwit one another?” This situation and many more, like broken homes, divided communities and warring nations show us a picture of disunity and division. They mirror the truth that indeed, in our earthly lives, we have not yet fully experienced the reality of the intimate relationship between the Father and the Son.

Jesus prays that we may be one as He and Father are one. We are far from this dream but it is worth nothing that many individuals, groups and communities work to make the dream a reality. The challenge is great, for it means grappling with individualism, competition for profit, power, prestige and other worldly values which lure us from what is essential and lasting. But with Jesus who longs for our unity with Him and Father as well as our unity with one another, we humbly pray that we may enter more deeply into the love-relationship of God and move on to concretely live out this unity wherever we are, in our being and doing, always joyful of the glory we share with Jesus. (Sr. Patricia, SSpS Bibble Diary 2004)

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