May 25, 2015 Monday: Week 8

May 25, 2015 Monday: Week 8

As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17)

During my college days, I almost dropped out of school because of financial difficulties. My father was a farmer with three hectares of land to till. My mother was a housekeeper and we were ten brothers and sisters. The income was not sufficient for the family. To support some of my school expenses, I studied as a working student in an optical shop. My relationship with God during that time was good for I knew it was only Him who could help me in my problems. Later I was granted a scholarship and was able to finish my course.

However, as I was able to find work and earned sufficiently, I started to forget some of my obligations to God. I encountered a lot of problems and it was only then that I would turn to Him again and would ask for guidance and assistance.

Though I was financially stable, I felt incomplete and unsatisfied. I happened to read a biblical passage: “No one can serve two masters. You cannot at the same serve God and money,” (Matt 6: 24). This made me realized that one could not be happy with money alone. The will of the Lord should be done.

The man in the passage asked Jesus the way that will lead to eternal life. And he proposed a new experience of liberty by becoming His follower. Jesus did not say that the rich person will not be saved but that it will be difficult for him because of material things and concerns.

It is then only by placing God at the center of our daily experience and activities can we find meaning and strength to surmount an obstacle we encounter.
- (DWCSJ Bible Diary 2002)

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